40% of homeless youth in California identify as LGBTQ and family rejection is the #1 reason why LGBTQ kids are on the streets. Unicorn Homes is a program within the North County LGBTQ Resource Center that aims to provide crisis and transitional housing to LGBTQ youth (14-24) who are homeless or at risk for homelessness. A safe place to reside for a period of 14 days or more (youth that are minors will be hosted within a certified foster care family, youth 18yrs + and regular families that are LGBTQ supportive).The function is to provide housing stability with an ultimate goal to reunite families and rectify problems whenever possible. Unicorn Homes also provides paths to mental health resources, job readiness, life coaching, and independent living skills.

Unicorn Homes is an alternative to the traditional group home setting, it is set up to ensure that some normalcy is maintained for the youth who access the program.
We have created a network of families and individuals that are offering their house or space to accommodate our homeless youth needs for a short or long period of time.
The North County LGBTQ aims to reduce and prevent LGBTQI youth homelessness in our region by providing support where it is mostly needed and family reunification when and where possible.
Should you wish to become a Unicorn Home host please email our Program Manager, Joey Sweet (he, him) at unicornhomes@ncresourcecenter.org