About The Fund
In her memory, the North County LGBTQ Resource Center has established The Linda Johnson Queer Youth Development Award.
As established in 2023, the North County LGBTQ Resource Center will grant awards to multiple individuals aged 16-22 to assist with educational related expenses.
To enter, youth will be asked to fill out a short application and submit a written, audio, or video composition answer to this topic:
"As a queer person, talk about a challenge you have faced and share how it has shaped the person you are today."
While this is primarily a needs- based award, all youth, who
identify (publicly or not) as LGBTQ+, are encouraged to
apply for this award. Complete details, including deadlines,
submission guidelines, and privacy considerations, can be
All applications received by the deadline of April 30, 2024, will be considered by the Award Committee, with announcements of the annual award recipients taking place at the Pride Reception on May 15, 2025
There are no specific GPA, test score, citizenship, or academic pursuit requirements attached to this award.
Recipients of the award can use the funds for any purpose that aids in furthering their education, including (but not limited to): tuition, books or other required supplies, technology
upgrades or additions, equipment or materials related to a
craft or career pursuit.

Eligibility Requirements
Resident of North San Diego County at time of application
Currently enrolled or planning to enroll in high school, vocational school, community college, university, or other accredited educational program OR actively engaged in development of career skills through non-traditional experiences.
Identifies as LGBTQ+

"There is a reason LGBTQI people often refer to one another as family. We are good at creating kinships and we need each other." Linda represented the spirit of community when for the first time our "little center that could" experienced the loss of many of our trans kiddos to suicide. Linda became the mother, the sister, and the trusted person to go to for many kids that she loved as her own.