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Feb 19th Clinic Post (1).png


This year has been very hard. For us too. Together, we are overcoming this. The COVID-19 vaccine is finally here, and it’s our families’ turn! Do your part, help us vaccinate our people.


The COVID-19 Vaccine is An Incredible Scientific Advancement: Even though COVID-19 is new, these types of viruses (called coronaviruses) have been studied since the 1960s. This knowledge helped scientists understand the virus to make a vaccine. Many pharmaceutical companies invested significant resources into quickly developing a vaccine for COVID-19 because of the world-wide impact of the pandemic. That’s how we were able to have a vaccine ready to keep us safe so quickly. 


All of the Vaccines Are Effective: Different companies are making vaccines but they have been rigorously tested and have proven results. 


The COVID-19 Vaccine is Available to All: Regardless of your immigration status. You do not have to be a citizen or resident to get the vaccine. If you are undocumented, you qualify and should not be asked about your status.


To be connected with our COVID-19 Outreach Coordinator please email us at covidoutreach@ncresourcecenter.orgor call/text (760) 528-0333. 

Come Get Vaccinated! (1).png


Este año ha sido muy duro. Para nosotros también. Juntos, estamos superando esto. La vacuna contra el COVID-19 finalmente está aquí, !y es el turno de nuestras familias! Haz tu parte, adudanos a vacunas a nuestra gente.


La Vacuna es un Desarrollo Científico Muy Avanzado: Aunque COVID-19 es nuevo, estos tipos de virus (llamados coronavirus) se han estudiado desde la década de 1960. Este conocimiento ayudó a los científicos a comprender el virus para hacer una vacuna. Muchas compañías farmacéuticas invirtieron importantes recursos en el desarrollo rápido de vacuna para COVID-19 debido al impacto mundial de la pandemia. 


Todas Las Vacunas Son Efectivas: Varias compañías han desarrollado vacunas y todas han sido rigurosamente evaluadas por eficacia con resultados comprobados. .


La Vacuna COVID-19 Es Para Todos: Sin importar tu Situación Migratoria No se requiere ser ciudadano o residente legal para recibir la vacuna. Si eres indocumentado, tu tambien calificas. 


Para ser conectado con nuestra coordinadora de COVID-19, nos puede contactar al (760) 528-0333 o por correo electrónico a 



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